Min Age
The Newton Park
Available to:
Always available to Hotel guests
Free with Stay & Play Package OR 9€/person
yesteryear fun
Meaning recent past, the games are modernized versions of tavern or bar games of the 18th-20th centuries!
With 15 different games, all completely analogue to enjoy time with your friends & loved ones while detoxing from the digital age.
Don’t forget: Bring a small notepad with you! The games are designed to spark competition and are great for mini tournaments. Keep track of the scores to have an undeniable winner!
You should know
- The equipement is custom made and sensitive. In case of damages from small children or unruly players the management retains the right to request reimbursement.
- Because of the nature of these games only persons 12+ are allowed to enter Yesteryear Alley. Small children should not be near the games for their own safety.
- We work tirelessly to make sure you have a great experience, please do not mix the pawns of the games, as this makes our work much harder. Thank you for understanding.
Train Ride
All-aboard! What’s a visit to a theme park without a ride on a classic locomotive?
- ages 1+
- All year round
The Newton Park
Learn about science through playing!
- ages 1-101
- Always open for hotel guests
Bicycle Fleet
Only hundreds of kids have learned how to ride a bicycle here! Bicycles for all ages!
- ages 1+
- Hotel Guests Only
Can you complete the hexagon in under five minutes?
- ages 12+
- All year round (Hotel guests only)
Μία πρωτοποριακή δραστηριότητα που μπορείτε να βρείτε μόνο εδώ!
- ages 2+
- Always available to Hotel guests
A completely analog playroom for Adults with 15 different competitive games for tons of fun!
- ages 12+
- Always available to Hotel guests
Keen eye and a steady hand? Start your Olympic career here!
- ages 2+
- All year round (Hotel guests only)
With tons of board games, toys & a big playhouse. For those rainy days!
- ages 1+
- Hotel Guests Only
Alternative outdoor instruments made from everyday objects!
- ages 1+
- All year round (Hotel guests only)
Water Battle
Μπουγέλα και όχι μόνο! Η αγαπημένη δραστηριότητα του Καλοκαιριού!
- ages 4+
- Ιούνιος-Σεπτέμβριος
Baby Town
A fully fenced and safe small town for babies!
- ages 1+
- All year round (Hotel guests only)
Αποστολή Σαμποτάζ – Escape Room
Ένα Escape Room που μπορείτε να παίξετε με την οικογένεια σας στο καφέ του Ξενοδοχείου!
- ages 6+
- Διαθέσιμο από Ιούλιο 2024
Παιδικές Χαρές
The Pirate ship, the wheelchair accessible bean, & the much loved family swing!
- ages 1-12
- Hotel Guests Only
H εμπειρία ξεκινά πριν καν φτάσετε στο Ninemia Stay & Play!
- ages 4+
- Hotel Guests Only