Min Age


Wheelchair Accesibility

Yes (The Bean)

Available to

Hotel Guests Only


Free with Stay & Play Package

the pirate Ship

Arrrrrr you ready? Become the captain of the ship and explore the mountain seas! Best suited for kids 4-12 years old.

Three exciting slides, multiple climbing spots, the captain’s helm and the ship’s bridges are all encompassed under the large sail. Take your mind of your worries and let your kids play knowing they are protected from the sun! Ηρεμήστε τις ανησυχίες σας και αφήστε τα παιδιά σας να παίξουν γνωρίζοντας ότι προστατεύονται από τον ήλιο!

the bean

Wheelchair accessible playground, under the shade of plane trees with mini slides and open design for fun & safe play! Best suited for kids 1-4 years old.